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  • 021 611198

Monday - Friday ( 9.00am - 5.00pm )

Life Coaching for Individuals

Life Coaching for an individual's life style, covers many aspects of their life. From making a personal Mission statement and Values clarification process, to dealing with elemental areas such as; Personal, Home, Health, Relationships, Career, Financial, Social, Spiritual and Friendships. This is all about YOU being the priori

Coaching for Businesses

Business has a uniqueness, as do the individuals within that business structure. Building a dynamic working environment is the aim for most businesses. Relationship Coaching Change is inevitable in all relationships. The need to adjust and adapt is essential - learning new skills enables a committed relationship to flourish together in understanding.

Coaching for Educational

For all those who embark on an educational path to achieve their future goal, coaching will improve the success levels.

Mentoring for Facilitators

Professionals are always aiming to improve their effectiveness. Most need an unbiased person to bounce ideas off and to formulate new ones. Coaching using mentoring skills, narrows this focus onto the individual's needs.

Coaching for Families

Families are dynamic at all times with changes inevitable. Family relationships are adjusting to change and growth - coaching is very effective when combined with all members of that family.

Philosophical Facilitation

Our world is changing and the beliefs we had as a child need to be examined and maybe modified or eliminated. The "Two Worlds Coaching" will help to bring together any differences between what your mind is saying and what is happening in your outside world.